Why Is The United States Expected To Sacrifice Our Young Men And Women For Countries Who Do Not Take Care Of Their Own Problems?
As a mother of two young boys, I can’t help but ask this question every time I read an article of more Americans killed on foreign land. Do not misunderstand me, I love my country and would die to defend it, but I have to ask myself, “How are we defending America in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and other countries?”
I personally believe that we should not be taking care of other countries' problems when we have so many of our own. Imagine the possibilities if all the men and women that are deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq were used to benefit our country, here on our homeland. Imagine what we could have accomplished in our Nation with all the money we’ve spent and are continuing to spend on wars on foreign lands.
We could have more man power to help fight the war on drugs that is invading the United States and attacking children as young as kindergarten right in our own backyard. To believe that we can reduce the drug production in other countries is ludicrous. We do not have control, nor will we ever have control, of what others are doing in their country. We can make a difference in America if we quit wasting our efforts on unattainable causes. Most important we need to quit sending our children to die for causes that the people of those country are not willing to fight themselves.
We have more than enough issues to keep our military busy here in our own land. Our military could be used to make America a safer place in our own homeland, than to be used for countries that have no intention of changing their way of thinking and who do not appreciate nor feel the pain of the sacrifices that thousands of American mothers and fathers have made, when their child comes back in a body bag.
We need to realize that change comes from within. If the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations are not willing to stand-up for their own Nation and fight for change themselves, then change will never happen. No amount of force will change the mind of one single person, let alone millions. Change has to come from inside and only then can a country in turmoil flourish to become a great nation, like America.
I think it is time that we leave these countries to take ownership of their own problems and find their own resolutions that will benefit their countries as a whole.
by: Geneva Nannapaneni
1 comment:
I have very strong views that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq should be stopped. While reading Mrs.Nannapaneni's blog I could not agree more with each thing she said. The main point she made was, why are we fighting wars in other countries and trying to change other peoples views, when we need to focus on our own problems here in America.
Mrs.Nannapaneni's blog was excelent! She stated what she believed, why she believed that and used her feelings as a mother. I love the statement she makes when she says "No amount of force will change the mind of one single person, let alone millions. Change has to come from inside and only then can a country in tourmoil flourish to become a great nation, like America."
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